Friday, April 27, 2012

Hoa Quả Dầm – Favorite Teen’s Nosh!

No Hanoi'an teenager does not know about the Trang Tien street for ice cream, Hang Duong for Ô mai, and there can not be ignore Tô Tịch street for Hoa quả dầm. Recently, the Hoa Quả dầm (mixed fruits in condensed milk andcoconut milk) in Tô tịch street is becoming so popular that this street is named as Hoa quả dầm street that attracts not only local teens, young but also foreign visitors.

The street that is just about 100 meter long but there are up to dozen of mini shops which specialize in noshes featured by Hoa quả dầm. Guest’s taste is conquered by both the cool color of fruit cups and really delicious texture of different kinds of fruits.
Variation of fruits are cut into small pieces or cubes, under the skill of makers, the fruit cubes are ordered intobeautiful and attractive layers in a crystal glass. You can count unlimited kinds of fruit such as watermelon, mango, custard apple, avocado, melon gold, jackfruit, longan … The valid of fruit choice may also depend on the season.
When serving, the maker will add sweetened condensed milk and coconut milk, lastly top with minced ice cubes. There is no sugar used because the sweet and taste of Hoa quả dầm only created by the milk and coconut, natural and cool sweet.

Hoa quả dầm is a to do list of teens when going gossip. Not only, among great foods and recipes in Tet holiday, this is a wonderful New Year dessert that you can prepare in advance, keep in fridge and ready to serve any time.

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