Sunday, September 30, 2012

An Giang

An Giang is located west of the Mekong Delta between the Tien Giang and Hau Giang Rivers and shares a 95-km border with Cambodia. It is next to the Cuu Long River and consists of a few midland areas and low mountains.
An Giang
The main ethnic groups found in the province are the Kinh, Khmer, Cham, and Hoa. The region is located in a monsoon tropical climate where the annual average temperature varies between 26 and 28°C. The two distinct seasons are the dry season, from December to April, and the rainy season, from May to November. Floods often occur from the middle of August to the middle of November.
An Giang is criss-crossed by many rivers and canals which make a convenient water transport system. The two tributaries of the Mekong river, the Tien and the Hau, run across the province. They deliver millions of cubic meters of alluvium annually to the region. As a result, the deposits have formed several islets which are extremely fertile and covered with lush green vegetation.
Long Xuyen, the capital city of An Giang province
Long Xuyen, the capital city of An Giang province
An Giang is the location where many relics belonging to the Oc Eo Civilization have been excavated. Many archaeologists have concluded that An Giang was the location of a bustling commercial sea port built with many major architectural projects which can be traced back to the first century. This conclusion has glorified the province as a one time economically and culturally prosperous locality.

An Giang has long been famous for its traditional occupation of mulberry growing, silkworm raising and silk weaving.
Famous sites and attractions include An Giang Museum in Long Xuyen, Ba Sam Temple Festival at Sam Mountain in Chau Doc, and Cam Mountain in Binh Tien.

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