Saturday, December 7, 2013

Eating around Vietnam

Bánh xèo (pancake)
Inside the yellow pancake, there are seafood and
mushroom. This pancakeis very famous in southern Vietnam..
The photos in this blog were taken on my trips to some cities and provinces of Vietnam. Except "thắng cố" (horse meat) of the H'mong ethnic minority people in Bắc Hà town (north west Vietnam) which I didn't eat, the other food in this blog are my favorite ones. You can find various types of food in Vietnam, as Vietnamese eat almost everything, for example pork, beef, chicken, goat meat, fishes, even snakes, birds, eels, dogs, snails etc. The only difference in the taste among 3 regions of Vietnam is that the central and southern people love spicy food, even though the weather there is hot throughout the year. The southerners also put sugar into their food, so the taste is sweeter.

Sò nướng (grilled oyster)
As Vietnam has a long coastal line, we can
catch lots of sea fishes. There are peanuts
and onion on this oyster meat.
There are some fast food brand names which are available in the big cities like KFC and BBQ chicken. You can find many restaurants that serve foreign food from Italy, France, Russia, Japan, China, Mexico, India etc. There are cooking courses for tourists in Hanoi, Hội An or Sài Gòn, which you can join for a day or two during your trips to make simple Vietnamese food.

In March 2008, I published a blog about Hanoi food with more than 100 photos (see the link below). Following are names and details of some food that I've tasted while traveling in Vietnam. They are local specialties and their tastes are the best when they are cooked right in the place. If you have a chance to visit these cities/towns, maybe you should try these food and I hope you will enjoy them.

Sài Gòn (aka Hồ Chí Minh city)

Bánh khọt (pancake) in Sài Gòn
Little pancakes with green bean, shrimp
and some special sauce on the surface.
Photo No. 1 - Bánh xèo (pancake): This is a popular food in southern Vietnam. The cake is fried on the hot pan and it contains vegetables (or mushroom) and shrimp, then it will be folded up and placed on a plate.

Photo No. 3 - Bánh khọt (pancake): Pancake with green bean, shrimp and some special sauce on the surface.

Both pancakes are served at Bánh xèo Mười Xiềm restaurant, 190 Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa, District 3, HCMC.

Photo No. 80 - Hủ tíu (or Hủ tiếu): A popular noodle soup in southern Vietnam. It can be eaten with pork, shrimp etc.
Ba khía (little crabs) in Cà Mau
Ba khía (little crabs) is a famous food in Cà Mau,
which is the southernmost province of Vietnam.
They can be fried with salt or tamarind.
Photo No. 92 - Chả giò gấc spring rolls: Inside the spring rolls there are Gấc fruit (red color), pork or chicken.

Photo No. 93 - Phở noodle soup with beef

Photo No. 135 - Bột chiên: Square pieces of sticky rice are fried on hot pan, along with chicken egg. Vegetables and sauce are used when eating this food.

Huế city (central Vietnam)

Photos No. 12 & No. 133 - These special cakes "Bánh bèo, bánh nậm, bánh bột lọc, bánh ram, bánh ít and chả tôm" are made of rice and shrimp, eating with sauce. They are my favorite food every time I visit Huế city and I've been there 23 times. The name of this restaurant is "Bánh bèo Cung An Định" inside an alley in Huế city. Address: 31, Kiệt (alley) 177, Phan Đình Phùng street, Huế city. Tel: 054-821962

Lợn cắp nách (pork) in Sapa
"Lợn cắp nách" are small sized pigs raised by the
ethnic minority people at the mountainous farms in
Sapa. They have black skins. (Vỏ bên ngoài của
con lợn cắp nách sau khi nướng thì rất cứng và
 không thể ăn được. Bên trong thịt lợn có màu hồng,
rất mềm và thơm ngon. Thịt lợn này ăn cùng một
 loại nước chấm như là nước tương.)
Photos No. 8 & No. 131 - Nem lụi (grilled pork is covered with rice papers and eaten with vegetables and peanut sauce) and Bánh khoái (pancake with shrimp) at Lạc Thiện restaurant. Address: No. 6, Đinh Tiên Hoàng street, near the Imperial Citadel in Huế city.

Photo No. 130 - Cơm hến (rice with tiny mussels)

Photo No. 132 - Bún thịt nướng (noodles with pork barbecue)

Photo No. 134 - Bún bò Huế (beef noodle soup)

Ninh Bình city (northern Vietnam)

Photo No. 9 - Thịt dê (goat meat): This goat meat is eaten with a special sauce made of bean.

Phở khô (fried noodles & chicken soup) in Pleiku
The noodles are fried with chicken / beef and
vegetables. The soup is separate in another bowl.
Another famous food in Ninh Bình city is "Cơm cháy chan súp gà" (Rice crackers with chicken soup). Any restaurant in this city serves these famous food.

Sapa (northwest VN)

Photo No. 5 - "Lợn cắp nách" is the name of pigs raised by the ethnic minority people at the mountainous farms in Sapa. They are of small sizes (about 10-15kg in weight) and have black skins. The pork is very soft and delicious, as these pigs only eat grass and run around the fields.

Photo No. 73 - Cháo cá hồi (rice porridge with salmon and onion)

"Cá lăng" fish soup & green banana
Cá lăng (hemibagrus) river fish only lives at the
 confluence of 3 rivers like in Việt Trì city. The fish
soup and green banana can be eaten with noodles (Bún).
Photo No. 74 - Các món nướng (grilled food) in the evening.

Bắc Hà (northwest VN)

Photo No. 56 - Thắng cố (mixture of all parts of horses) and Rượu Ngô (corn wine) are famous food and drink of the H'mong ethnic minority people in north west Vietnam, especially in Bắc Hà. I didn't dare to try this food, as I felt it was not safe for me.

Hà Giang (the northernmost province of Vietnam)

Photo No. 41 - Cháo ấu tẩu (rice porridge): The rice porridge with pork and special herb (củ ấu) which has bitter taste is a local specialty in Hà Giang.

Bánh khoái (pancake) & Nem lụi in Huế city
Nem lụi (grilled pork is covered with rice papers
 and eaten with vegetables and peanut sauce)
and Bánh khoái (pancake with shrimp).
Photo No. 42 - Thịt trâu gác bếp (buffalo meat) is another local specialty in Hà Giang. The locals in the mountain region often dry pork, beef or buffalo meat in the kitchen and save it for a long time. It is cooked with vegetables.

Photo No. 43 - Thắng cố bò (Beef soup): Traditional food of the ethnic minority people same as in Bắc Hà. They cook "Thắng cố" with all the parts of horses or oxen.

Việt Trì (northern Vietnam)

Photo No. 7 - Cá lăng (hemibagrus) is a kind of river fish that only lives at the confluence of 3 rivers. The fish soup and green banana can be eaten with noodles (Bún).
Yên Bái (northwest Vietnam)
Dê tái thính (goat meat) in Ninh Bình
This goat meat is eaten with a special
sauce made of bean.

Photo No. 51 - Thịt trâu cuốn lá lốt (buffalo meat): Buffalo meat and onion are put onto the leaves then rolled on. Fish sauce is used for eating this food.

Photos No. 52 & 53 - Bánh cuốn chả (steamed rice cake): Steamed rice cake is eaten with sauce which consists of grilled pork and onion.

Photo No. 72 - Bún chả cá (noodle soup with grilled fish)

Lai Châu province (northwest Vietnam)

Photo No. 70 - Thịt nhím (porcupine meat)

Quảng Ninh province (northeast Vietnam)

Making Bún nước lèo (noolde soup)
 in Sóc Trăng
Photo No. 65 - Bún tu hài (noodle soup with oyster meat) at the restaurants near Cái Rồng port on Vân Đồn island.

Photo No. 66 - Ruốc (little octopus) on Ngọc Vừng island.

Quan Lạn island (northeast of Hạ Long bay)

Photo No. 44 - Sá Sùng (seaworm) is cooked with vegetables and it's one of the famous seafood on the island.

Photo No. 45 - Hàu sống (raw oyster meat): Lemon water is poured over the raw oyster meat before eating.

Cát Bà island (northeast Vietnam)

Photo No. 67 - Nem mực (squid spring rolls)

Photo No. 68 - Bánh canh chả cá (noodle soup with grilled fish)

Bún nước lèo (noolde soup) in Sóc Trăng
Bún nước lèo (noodle soup) is cooked from
 fresh fish. You can eat this noodle soup
with shrimp, fish, pork and vegetables.
Photo No. 69 - Bánh canh thập cẩm (mixed noodle soup - red noodles)

Bắc Kạn province (Ba Bể lake)

Photo No. 28 - Thịt cầy hương xào lá mác mật (Musk-cat meat with vegetables)

Lạng Sơn province (northeast Vietnam)

Photo No. 46 - Vịt quay Lạng Sơn (roasted duck meat)

Photo No. 47 - Khâu nhục (pork with herb)

Photo No. 48 - Bánh áp chao (pancake with onion)

Photo No. 49 - Bún cá trắm (noodle soup with fish and tofu)
Rice cakes in Huế city
Various types of rice cakes at Bánh bèo
 Cung An Định restaurant. Each cake has its
own sauce and it's eaten with shrimp powders.
Photo No. 50 - Lợn quay Lạng Sơn (roasted pork)

You can find these food at Thảo Viên restaurant, address No. 57, Phai Vệ street, Đông Kinh ward, Lạng Sơn city.

Đà Nẵng (central Vietnam)

Photo No. 54 - Mỳ Quảng (noodles with chicken, shrimp, egg, peanuts, rice crackers and vegetables) - Address: No. 1, Hài Phòng street, Đà Nẵng city. The restaurant is located near the city's railway station.

Photo No. 20 - Bún thịt nướng (noodles, pork barbecue, vegetables) in Đà Nẵng city.

Hội An (central Vietnam)

Snails with banana, tofu & vegetables
Photo No. 21 - Cao Lầu (yellow noodles with pork or shrimp) and Photo No. 27 - Bánh bao bánh vạc (white rose dumpling): These food are very popular in Hội An town. You can find them at any restaurant in the tourist area.

Photo No. 55 - Sò điệp nướng (grilled oyster meat) in Cù Lao Chàm (Chàm island), Hội An town.

Tam Kỳ city, Quảng Nam province (central Vietnam)

Photo No. 29 - Cơm gà Tam Kỳ (chicken, veg and rice). The locals use chicken boiling water to cook with rice, so the rice has yellow color and it tastes fatty. Restaurant Cơm gà Tâm Duyên, No. 256 Trưng Nữ Vương street, Tam Kỳ city.
A rice porridge stall by street
An evening food stall in Buôn Mê Thuột
 city, Central Highlands of Vietnam.
Photo No. 30 - Mì cá lóc (noodles with fish and soup).

Photo No. 31. Bún cá thu (noodle soup with fish, young bamboo, pumpkin and cabbage).

Photo No. 32 - Mì Quảng noodles. This is a famous food which I found in both Tam Kỳ and Đà Nẵng. There are noodles, pork or chicken, prawn and veg with sauce.

Photo No. 33 - Bún mắm (noodles with prawn sauce, veg and pork) Restaurant at No. 4, Trần Dư street, Tam Kỳ city.

Photo No. 34 - Bún chả cá (noodle soup with fish).

Quảng Ngãi (south central coast of Vietnam)

Photo No. 57 - Ốc xào cay (sea snails, peanuts, chilli & vegetables) at the restaurant of Sa Huỳnh Beach resort, Đức Phổ district, Quảng Ngãi province.

Photo No. 58 - Don (tiny oyster) soup in Quảng Ngãi city
Hủ tíu (noodle soup)
This noodle soup is very popular in southern Vietnam.
There are pork, shrimp and little bird eggs.

Photo No. 59 - Bánh xèo pancake at Mỹ Khê beach, Quảng Ngãi province

Photo No. 60 - Bánh căng pancake in Quảng Ngãi city

Photo No. 61 - Bánh ít (rice cake) in Quảng Ngãi city

Photo No. 62 - A type of rice cake in Mộ Đức district, Quảng Ngãi province

Phan Thiết city (south central coast of Vietnam)

Photo No. 101 - Xôi gấc (sticky rice with "Gấc" fruit): The locals in Phan Thiết city use baby shrimps, egg and pork to eat with sticky rice. The "Gấc" fruit makes the sticky rice become red.

Photo No. 102 - Mủ trôm (juice made from "trôm" tree)

Phú Quý island (south central Vietnam)

Photo No. 95 - Huỳnh Đế crab: This type of crab has red color (US$15 for a kg).

Photo No.96 - Phở mực (noodle soup with squid)

Photo No. 97 - Grilled "Cá bò"

Photo No. 98 - Phá lấu (pig's inner parts & bread)

Photo No. 99 - Mì xào mực (fried noodles with squid)

Nha Trang (south central coast of Vietnam)

Photo No. 35 - Bánh trứng tráng (baked rice paper & quail eggs)

Photo No. 36 - Bún cá lá sứa (noodle soup with jelly-fish)

Photo No. 37 - Mì xào hải sản (fried macaroni with seafood)

Photo No. 105 - Bánh canh cá rô (Fish noodle soup)

Photo No. 106 - Thịt cá sấu (Crocodile meat)

Photo No. 107 - Thịt đà điểu (Ostrich meat)

Photo No. 108 - Chả tôm (pork & shrimp mixture inside leaves)

Photo No. 110 - Bánh đập rice cakes (Green onion and red shrimp powder inside the rice cakes)

Photo No. 111 - Bánh tẻ, gai, nậm, bột lọc (rice cakes)

Tuy Hoà (south central coast of Vietnam)

Photo No. 38 - Nem nướng (baked spring rolls)

Photo No. 39 - Mì bò (noodle soup with beef)

Đà Lạt city (Central Highlands)

Photo No. 112 - Kem chiên (Ice cream inside the pancake)

Photo No. 114 - Cơm gà (rice & chicken)

Photo No. 115 - Bánh giò & Bánh nậm (rice cakes)

Photo No. 116 - Chè đậu xanh (Green bean sweet soup)

Photo No. 117 - Bánh canh (fish noodle soup)

Photo No. 118 - Phở xào gan lợn (fried noodles with pig liver)

Pleiku town (Central Highlands)

Photo No. 6 - Phở khô (fried noodles): The noodles are fried with chicken / beef and vegetables. The soup is separate in another bowl.

Buôn Mê Thuột city (Central Highlands)

Photo No. 40 - Bánh khọt (pancake): same name as pancake in photo No. 3, however it's eaten with papaya pickles and cracklings.

Biên Hòa city, Đồng Nai province (southern Vietnam)

Photo No. 88 - Gỏi vịt (salad with duck meat)

Photo No. 89 - Bánh ướt (steamed rice with pork)

Photo No. 90 - Cháo huyết (rice porridge with pig blood)

Vũng Tàu beach city (south east Vietnam)

Photo No. 120 - Bạch tuộc nướng (grilled octopus)

Photo No. 122 - Bánh khọt pancake (shrimp & onion)

Photo No. 123 - Cháo vịt (rice porridge & duck meat)

Photo No. 124 - Mực nướng (grilled squids)

Photo No. 125 - Bánh cuốn (steamed rice cake)

Sóc Trăng (southern Vietnam)

Photos No. 10 & 11 - Bún nước lèo (noodle soup): The soup is sweet as it's cooked from fresh fish. You can eat this noodle soup with shrimp, fish, pork and vegetables. A bowl of this noodle soup costs US$1.

Cà Mau (the southernmost province of Vietnam)

Photo No. 4 - Ba khía (little crabs): The little crabs meat is delicious during July and August. They can be fried with salt or tamarind. This is favorite food of local men while drinking rice wine. You also can order this food at the restaurants in Cần Thơ (the biggest city in the Mekong Delta).

Trà Vinh (Mekong Delta)

Photo No. 78 - Bún nước lèo (noodle soup): It contains noodles, vegetables, fish soup, grilled pork or spring rolls.

Photo No. 79 - Bánh ống dừa (coconut cake)

Rạch Giá (south west Vietnam)

Photo No. 91 - Pò Pía rolls using rice papers, egg and vegetables

Hà Tiên (south west Vietnam)

Photo No. 81 - Lẩu cá bớp (fish hot pot)

Photo No. 82 - Mì hải sản (seafood noodle soup)

Photo No. 83 - Sò nướng (grilled oysters)

Photo No. 84 - Nước thốt nốt (juice from palm tree)

Photo No. 85 - Bánh thốt nốt (cake from palm tree)

Photo No. 86 - Cơm tấm sườn nướng (rice & grilled rib)

Photo No. 87 - Cá đuối hấp (steamed sea fish)

Phú Quốc island (south west Vietnam)

Photo No. 16 - Còi biên mai nướng (Grilled scallop): Special seafood which is only served on Phú Quốc island. Address: No. 7, Trần Hưng Đạo street, Dương Đông town.

Photo No. 17 - Bún riêu mực (Noodle soup with crab & squid)

Photo No. 18 - Cầu gai đen, Nhum đen (Black sea-urchin) seafood.

Photo No. 19 - Bánh hỏi (strings of noodles) - Thịt nướng (pork barbecue): At Dinh Cậu night market in Dương Đông town.

Côn Đảo islands (south east Vietnam)

Photo No. 24 - Ốc vú nàng (sea snails) and Photo No. 26 - Ốc bàn tay (hand shaped sea snails)

Address: Phương Hạnh restaurant at 38C Nguyễn Huệ street, Côn Đảo town.

Photo No. 25 - Bún riêu chả cá (noodles with fish) at Côn Đảo market.

Tây Ninh province (southern Vietnam)

Bánh tráng (rice papers) in Trảng Bàng town: Pork and vegetables are placed on these rice papers, then rolled on and eaten with special sauce. This town is also famous, as the photo of napalm girl Kim Phúc was taken during the American war and it was then awarded a Pulitzer Prize. Address of her family's restaurant: 19/26, Trảng Bàng town. Tel: 066-881008. Please read my blog about the meeting with Kim Phúc's brother at this restaurant: The people I met when traveling

My other blogs about Vietnamese food and drinks in Hanoi

My favorite food in Hanoi

"Phở" noodle soup - a feature of Hanoi

Bia Hơi (Vietnamese fresh beer)

Author's note

I have separated a section named "Vietnamese Food and Drinks" in my blog Vietnam - Guide for trip planners. If you are interested in Vietnamese food and would like to share your blogs or experiences in cooking courses with others, please provide me with the links to your articles, so that I could add them to this section. So far, there are some blogs from me, Rob & Lorenza (blog about north Vietnamese food) and Kent (blog
duck egg). Thank you.

(Blog No. 120, photo No. 4000)

Còi biên mai nướng (Grilled scallop)

This seafood is only served on Phú Quốc island. It costs VND 80,000 (US$4) for this dish. I ate once and it was very delicious.

Bún riêu mực (Noodle soup with crab & squid)

At a restaurant on Phú Quốc island in the southernmost region of Vietnam.

Cầu gai đen, Nhum đen (Black sea-urchin)

One of the seafood on Phú Quốc island.
Bánh hỏi (noodles) - Thịt nướng (pork barbecue)

At Dinh Cậu nightmarket on Phú Quốc island.
Bún thịt nướng (noodles, pork barbecue, vegetables)

Three food in this photo served in Đà Nẵng city, central Vietnam: Bún thịt nướng (noodles, pork barbecue, vegetables), Nem lụi (pork barbecue sticks), Bò cuốn lá lốt (grilled beef covered with leaves).
Cao Lầu (noodles, pork, vegetables) - famous food of Hội An

Cơm gà Hội An (fried rice, chicken, vegetables)

This food is served in Hội An town, central Vietnam.

Bánh tét (round shaped sticky rice cake)

This cake is eaten during Vietnamese lunar new year (Tết) in central and southern Vietnam. It contains sticky rice, green bean, pork and pepper. The cake in northern Vietnam is of square shape (Bánh chưng).

Ốc vú nàng (sea snails)

This type of sea snail is local specialty of Côn Đảo islands. It looks similar to oyster. The snails live on the rock. This dish costs US$3.5 (VND 70,000). The snails are cooked with peanuts and onion.

Bún riêu chả cá (noodle soup with fish)

I ate this food at Côn Đảo market. It costs US$1 for this bowl of noodles.

Ốc bàn tay (hand shaped sea snails)

This type of sea snail is local specialty of Côn Đảo islands. This dish costs US$7 (VND 140,000). The sea snails are cut into small pieces and steamed.

Cơm gà Tam Kỳ (chicken, veg and rice)

This is a very famous food in Tam Kỳ city. The locals use chicken boiling water to cook with rice, so the rice has yellow color and it tastes fatty. Restaurant "Cơm gà Tâm Duyên" at No. 256 Trưng Nữ Vương street, Tam Kỳ city.

Hội An white rose dumpling (Bánh bao - bánh vạc)

This is a famous food in Hội An town.

Bún cá thu (noodle soup with fish and young bamboo)

Noodle soup with fish, young bamboo, pumpkin and cabbage - Tam Kỳ city, central Vietnam.

Thịt cầy hương (Musk-cat meat)

Musk-cat meat with vegetables at my dinner in Chợ Rã town near Ba Bể lake in Bắc Kạn province. (Thịt cầy hương xào lá mác mật trong bữa tối tại thị trấn Chợ Rã, huyện Ba Bể, tỉnh Bắc Kạn)

Mì cá lóc (noodles with fish and soup)

One of the delicious food in Tam Kỳ city, central Vietnam.

Mì Quảng noodles

This is a famous food which I found in both Tam Kỳ and Đà Nẵng. There are noodles, pork or chicken, prawn and veg with sauce.

Bún mắm (noodles with pork and prawn sauce)

Restaurant: No. 4, Trần Dư street, Tam Kỳ city, central Vietnam.

Bún chả cá (noodle soup with fish)

Tam Kỳ city, central Vietnam.

Bánh trứng tráng (rice papers & eggs)

This street food is sold in Nha Trang city. A rice paper is baked over low coal fire. On its surface there are quail eggs, onions and sauce. It will then be folded before eating.

Noodle soup with jelly-fish

Bún cá lá sứa (Noodle soup with jelly-fish) is a street food in Nha Trang. Jelly-fish is also used to mix with vegetables to make a salad.

Fried macaroni and seafood

Mì xào hải sản - My favorite food when traveling to the beach towns.

Nem nướng (Baked spring rolls)

This street food is sold near the beach in Tuy Hoà city. Inside spring rolls there is pork. Sweet sauce or chilly sauce is put over the baked spring rolls. A stick costs VND 2,000 (10 US cents).

Mì bò (noodle soup with beef)

At a street-side restaurant in Tuy Hoà city.

Bánh khọt (pancake) in Buôn Mê Thuột

The same pancake as photo No. 3, however it's made in Buôn Mê Thuột city in the Central

Cháo ấu tẩu (rice porridge)

The rice porridge with pork and special herb (củ ấu) which has bitter taste is a local specialty in Hà Giang. This bowl of rice porridge costs US$1.5. (Cháo có thịt lợn băm, chân giò nướng và củ ấu có vị đắng là một trong những món ăn nổi tiếng của Hà Giang. Tô cháo này có giá 30.000 đồng)

Thịt trâu gác bếp (buffalo meat)

Thịt trâu gác bếp (buffalo meat) is a local specialty in Hà Giang. The locals in the mountain region often dry pork, beef or buffalo meat in the kitchen and save it for a long time. It is cooked with vegetables (Thịt trâu gác bếp loại tái là một đặc sản của Hà Giang. Khi ăn thường xào với rau)

Thắng cố (horse meat) in Bắc Hà

Thắng cố (mixture of all parts of horses) is a favorite food of the H'mong ethnic minority people in north west Vietnam. This shot was taken at the Sunday market in Bắc Hà. I saw it but decided not to taste.

Thắng cố bò (Beef soup) in Hà Giang

This is one of the local specialties cooked by the ethnic minority people, however when it's cooked for Vietnamese, it must be cleaned. The ethnic minority people often cook "Thắng cố" with all the parts of horses or oxen.

Seaworm (Sá sùng) on Quan Lạn island

Seaworm is cooked with vegetables and it's one of the famous seafood on the island. (Sá sùng hay giun biển màu trắng là đặc sản của đảo Quan Lạn. Khi ăn cảm thấy lạo xạo vì có cát).

Raw oyster meat (Hàu sống)

This is also one of the local specialties on Quan Lạn island. Lemon water is poured over the raw oyster meat before eating. (Hàu cũng là một đặc sản khác của đảo Quan Lạn, cùng với sá sùng và tu hài. Khi ăn vắt chanh lên hàu sống).

Vịt quay Lạng Sơn (roasted duck meat)

This is one of the local specialties in Lạng Sơn province, North East Vietnam.

Bánh áp chao (pancake with onion)

This pancake has nothing inside it. It's often sold in the North East of Vietnam.

Bún cá trắm (noodle soup with fish and tofu)

My breakfast in Lạng Sơn city, North East Vietnam.

Lợn quay Lạng Sơn (roasted pork)

One of special food in Lạng Sơn province.

Thịt trâu cuốn lá lốt (buffalo meat)

Buffalo meat and onion are put onto the leaves then rolled on. Fish sauce is used for eating this food. This shot was taken at a restaurant in Yên Bái city. (Thịt trâu xào tái với hành cuốn vào lá lốt rồi ăn cùng nước mắm).

Making steamed rice cakes "Bánh cuốn"

Mù Cang Chải town, Yên Bái province.

Bánh cuốn chả (steamed rice cake)

This is my favorite food on my 2-day stay in Mù Cang Chải town, Yên Bái province. The steamed rice cake is eaten with sauce which consists of grilled pork and onion. See next photo. (Món ăn yêu thích của tôi ở Mù Cang Chải. Bánh cuốn ở đây có nước chấm bao gồm chả nướng và hành phi).

Mỳ Quảng noodles in Đà Nẵng city

This is famous food in Đà Nẵng city and also in Quảng Nam province. It consists of noodles, egg, shrimp, chicken, peanuts, vegetables and rice crackers.

Sò điệp nướng (grilled oyster meat) in Cù Lao Chàm island

Sò điệp nướng (grilled oyster meat) in Cù Lao Chàm island, Hội An town, central Vietnam.

Sea snails, peanuts, chilli & vegetables

Ốc xào cay (Sea snails, peanuts, chilli & vegetables) at a restaurant in Sa Huynh beach, Quảng Ngãi province,, central Vietnam.

"Don" oyster soup in Quảng Ngãi city

"Don" is very tiny oysters. Rice crackers are used when eating this soup. VND 10,000 (50 US cents) for a bowl. (Don giống như con hến rất nhỏ, ăn cùng bánh đa tại TP Quảng Ngãi, giá 10.000 đồng/bát).

Bánh xèo pancakes at Mỹ Khê beach, Quảng Ngãi province

Pancakes and vegetables are put into rice papers and rolled on. Sauce is used for eating this food. (Bánh xèo đặt vào bên trong bánh đa nem cùng với rau rồi cuốn lại và ăn cùng nước chấm).

Bánh căng pancakes in Quảng Ngãi city

Bánh ít (rice cakes) in Quảng Ngãi city

There are two types of Bánh ít cakes. When you open the leaves, the black ones are sweet, and the white ones are salty. Both have green bean inside. (Bánh ít có hai loại mặn màu trắng và ngọt màu đen với nhân đậu xanh giống như bánh gai).

A type of rice cake in my father's village

Sticky rice cakes with green bean inside are put in the middle of rice crackers (Một loại bánh ở thôn Vân Hà, huyện Mộ Đức là quê của cha tôi. Bánh có nhân đậu xanh kẹp giữa bánh đa)
Bún tu hài (noodle soup w/ oyster meat)

Tu hài is a type of oyster which is available in Vân Đồn island district, Quảng Ninh province. US$2 for this bowl of noodle soup.

Ruốc (little octopus)

Ngọc Vừng island, Quảng Ninh province

Nem mực (Squid spring rolls)

Cát Bà island, northeast Vietnam.

Bánh canh chả cá (noodle soup with grilled fish)

Cát Bà island, northeast Vietnam.

Bánh canh thập cẩm (mixed noodle soup)

Red noodles - Cát Bà island, northeast Vietnam

Thịt nhím (porcupine meat)

Pa Há (Nậm Tăm district), Lai Châu province.

Quẩy nóng (sweet & salty type)

Sơn La city, northwest Vietnam

Bún chả cá (noodle soup with grilled fish)

Trạm Tấu district, Yên Bái province.

Cháo cá hồi (rice porridge with salmon)

Sapa town, Lào Cai province, northwest Vietnam

Grilled food at night in Sapa town

Lào Cai province, northwest Vietnam

Grilling food for sale at night in Sapa town

Food ready to be grilled in Sapa town

Grilling food for sale at night in Bát Xát town

Lào Cai province, northwest Vietnam.

Bún nước lèo (noodle soup)

This noodle soup is a local specialty in Trà Vinh province. It contains noodles, vegetables, fish soup, grilled pork or spring rolls. (Bún nước lèo gồm bún, rau, nước canh cá lóc, ăn với thịt lợn quay hoặc chả giò)

Making Bánh ống dừa (coconut cake)

A Khmer ethnic woman in Trà Vinh market is making coconut cake (Bánh ống dứa) for sale.

Hủ tiếu tôm (noodle soup with shrimp)

Hủ tiếu is a popular noodle soup in southern Vietnam. It can be eaten with pork, shrimp etc.

Lẩu cá bớp (fish hot pot)

Hà Tiên town, south west Vietnam

Mì hải sản (seafood noodle soup)

Hà Tiên town, south west Vietnam

Sò nướng (grilled oysters with peanut)

Hà Tiên town, south west Vietnam

Nước thốt nốt (Juice from palm tree)

Hà Tiên town, south west Vietnam

Bánh thốt nốt (cake from palm tree)

Hà Tiên town, south west Vietnam

Cơm tấm sườn nướng (rice & grilled rib)

Hà Tiên town, south west Vietnam

Cá đuối hấp (steamed sea fish)

Hòn Tre island, Hà Tiên district, south west Vietnam.

Gỏi vịt (Salad with duck meat)

Biên Hòa city, Đồng Nai province, southern Vietnam

Bánh ướt (steamed rice cake with pork)

Biên Hòa city, Đồng Nai province, southern Vietnam

Cháo huyết (rice porridge with pig blood)

Biên Hòa city, Đồng Nai province, southern Vietnam

Pò Pía rolls using rice papers with egg & vegetables

Rạch Giá city, southern Vietnam

Chả giò gấc spring rolls

Inside the spring rolls there are Gấc fruit (red color), pork or chicken.

Phở noodle soup with beef in Sài Gòn

Mixture of white and red noodles.

Súp cua (crab soup)

At a street side restaurant in Đồng Xoài town, Bình Phước province. VND 15,000 (65 cents) for a bowl like this.

Huỳnh Đế crab on Phú Quý island, Bình Thuận province

This type of crab has red color (US$15 for a kg) and different with all crabs I've seen.

Phở mực (noodle soup with squid)

I always ate Phở noodle soup with beef or chicken. The people on Phú Quý island of Bình Thuận province used squid instead.

Grilled "Cá bò" fish - Phú Quý island

One of the fishes caught in the sea area of Phú Quý island, Bình Thuận province.

Phá lấu (pig's inner parts) - Phú Quý island

I saw this food in some areas of southern Vietnam. The locals used inner parts of pigs and cooked with medicinal herbs. This food is eaten with bread.

Mì xào mực (fried noodles with squid)

Phú Quý island, Bình Thuận province

Fruits sold at Coopmart supermarket

VND 12,000 (60 US cents) for this plate which contained 10 types of fruits (Phan Thiết city).

Xôi gấc (sticky rice with "Gấc" fruit)

The locals in Phan Thiết city use baby shrimps, egg and pork to eat with sticky rice. The "Gấc" fruit makes the sticky rice become red.

Mủ trôm (juice made from "trôm" tree)

At Coopmart supermarket in Phan Thiết city

Selling sweet soup on a street in Phan Thiết city

VND 5,000 (25 US cents) for a cup of hot sweet soup (corn, bean).

Sweet cake with milk and ice - Mũi Né town

VND 3,000 for this cake (caramen)

Bánh canh cá rô (Fish noodle soup)

This fish noodle soup is made by some northerners living in Nha Trang city.

Bánh tẻ, gai, nậm, bột lọc (rice cakes)

Four types of rice cake sold at a market in Nha Trang city.

Making Bánh Đập rice cake - Nha Trang city

Onion and shrimp powder are put on the surface of the rice paper and steamed rice cake. See next photo (Hành và chả tôm được phủ trên bề mặt bánh cuốn tráng và bánh đa nướng giòn. Sau đó gập lại và cắt ra đĩa).

Bánh đập rice cakes - Nha Trang city

Green onion and red shrimp powder inside the rice cakes.

Chả tôm (pork & shrimp mixture inside leaves)

Nha Trang city, South Central Coast of Vietnam

Crocodile meat at Yang Bay waterfall

The waterfall is located 45km from Nha Trang city.

Ostrich meat at Yang Bay waterfall

The waterfall is located 45km from Nha Trang city.

At a local restaurant in Đà Lạt city

A local boy was grilling pork and chicken at a rice restaurant (Cơm tấm).

Cơm gà (rice & chicken), soup & tea

VND 32,000 (USD 1.5) for this portion.

Bánh giò & Bánh nậm rice cakes

Some types of rice cake (Bánh giò & Bánh nậm) at a street side restaurant in Đà Lạt city.

Chè đậu xanh (Green bean sweet soup)

A street vendor in Đà Lạt city carried this type of sweet soup and sold it. VND 7,000 (30 US cents) for a pack.

Kem chiên (Ice cream inside the pancake)

There is taro ice cream inside the pancake - Đà Lạt city.

Bánh canh (fish noodle soup)

Đà Lạt city

Phở xào gan lợn (fried noodles with pig liver)

Đà Lạt city, the Central Highlands

Fishes & octopus for grilling - Vũng Tàu city

At a local restaurant in the city

Grilled octopus (Bạch tuộc nướng)

VND 40,000 (or US$2) for this dish - Vùng Tàu city

Bánh khọt pancake in Vũng Tàu city

This is one of the local specialties in Vũng Tàu city. US$1.5 for 10 pieces. It contains shrimp and onion. See next photo.

Bánh khọt pancakes in Vũng Tàu city

The pancakes contain shrimp and onion.

Cháo vịt (rice porridge & duck meat)

One of the food in Vũng Tàu city

Grilling banana for sale

Xuyên Mộc town, southern Vietnam

Bánh cuốn (steamed rice cake) - Vũng Tàu city

Steamed rice cake with pork, vegetables and sauce.

Grilled squids sold on Long Hải beach

Small grilled squids were sold at cheap price, mainly for pupils and tourists at the beach.

Ốc giác & ốc mỡ (two types of sea snails)

Long Hải beach town, southern Vietnam

Ốc ngón tay (finger shaped snails)

Long Hải beach town, southern Vietnam

Dried squids & fishes

Long Hải beach town, southern Vietnam

Cơm Hến (rice with tiny mussels)

Huế city's food at Nam Giao restaurant, District 1, Hồ chí Minh City.

Nem lụi (grilled pork & rice papers)

Huế city's food at Nam Giao restaurant, District 1, Hồ chí Minh City.

Bún thịt nướng (noodles & grilled pork)

Huế city's food at Nam Giao restaurant, District 1, Hồ chí Minh City.

Rice cakes (Bánh bèo, nậm, lọc)

Huế city's food at Nam Giao restaurant, District 1, Hồ chí Minh City.

Bún bò Huế (beef noodle soup)

One of the famous food in Huế city.

Bột chiên (food in Sài Gòn)

Square pieces of sticky rice are fried on hot pan, along with chicken egg. Vegetables and sauce are used when eating this food.

Royal dish at Tịnh Gia Viên restaurant, Huế city

Royal dish at Tịnh Gia Viên restaurant, Huế city

Royal dish at Tịnh Gia Viên restaurant, Huế city

Set menu at Tịnh Gia Viên restaurant, Huế city

Set menu for royal dishes

Royal dish at Tịnh Gia Viên restaurant, Huế city

Spring rolls & sauce

Royal dish at Tịnh Gia Viên restaurant, Huế city

Fried rice of turtle shape

Royal dish at Tịnh Gia Viên restaurant, Huế city

Salad of dragon shape

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