Thursday, May 22, 2014

Vietnam legislature denounces China’s oil rig deployment as sovereignty infringement

The Vietnamese National Assmbly (NA) strongly opposes China’s infringement of Vietnam’s maritime sovereignty and demand that Beijing remove its illegal oil rig from Vietnamese waters in the East Vietnam Sea immediately, the law-making body said in a statement released on Wednesday.

China eyes sovereignty when illicitly putting oil rig in Vietnam’s waters: experts  

Protesters request China withdraw oil rig from Vietnam’s waters

A Chinese boat is firing its water cannon at a Vietnamese fisheries 
surveillance ship in the Vietnamese waters where China has illegally placed 
its oil rig Haiyang Shiyou 981 since May 2, 2014

China has violated Vietnam’s sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over its territorial waters by planting oil rig Haiyang Shiyou 981 in the sea area since early this month, the NA denounced in the statement.

The Office of the 13th NA, whose 7th session was opened on May 20 in Hanoi, said that the oil rig is located in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

The statement reiterated that Beijing has not only seriously infringed Vietnam’s sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over its territorial waters, but has also broken international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Vietnam Sea to which China is a signatory.

Such an act by China has also gone against the mutual agreement between the high-ranking leaders of Vietnam and China, the statement pointed out.

It has caused tension in the East Vietnam Sea and posed a threat to peace and security in the sea area, the statement added.
Therefore, the NA, the entire people, and soldiers nationwide, along with the overseas Vietnamese communities strongly oppose to China’s infringement and demand China remove its rig from the Vietnamese waters immediately, the NA asserted.

The NA agrees to the Party’s and government’s policy to resolutely protect the fatherland’s territorial sovereignty based on international law, the legislative body said, adding that the policy is also aimed at struggling for peace and stability for the Southeast Asian country’s development and maintaining the traditional friendly relationship between Vietnam and China.

As the tense situation in the East Vietnam Sea may go on with complicated and unforeseeable developments, the NA calls on the government and the people to show their solidarity and unanimity, maintain political stability and keep social order and security, in order to contribute to boosting social and economic development, strengthening defense and security, and expand external relations of the country.

In its statement, the NA also expresses its gratitude to individuals and organizations, both at home and abroard, for their support to Vietnam in the current situation.

China has stationed its drilling platform at a location of 15°29’58’’ North latitude and 111°12’06’’ East longitude in the East Vietnam Sea since May 2.

The location lies well within the Southeast Asian country’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry said.
China has also deployed a large number of vessels including warships to guard the rig and many of these escort ships have rammed or fired their water cannons at Vietnamese vessels when they were requested by the Vietnamese side to leave the waters.

Such attacks have so far injured nine Vietnamese fisheries surveillance officers and damaged several boats, the Vietnam Coast Guard reported.

As the Chinese rig and its escort ships remain in Vietnamese waters despite strong opposition from Vietnam, Deputy PM Pham Binh Minh made a phone call to Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi on May 15, requesting that Chinese authorities respond to Vietnam’s demand that Beijing withdraw its rig from the sea area.


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