Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Chinese jet encroaches VN airspace over illegal oil rig

Chinese jet encroaches VN airspace over illegal oil rig

Up to 115 Chinese vessels of all kinds, including five battleships, were also present around the rig, which was illegally positioned in Viet Nam's exclusive economic zone and continental shelf in early May

HA NOI (VNS) — The Viet Nam Fisheries Surveillance Department yesterday reported that a Chinese jet fighter made several circles above Vietnamese law enforcement ships operating near the Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig that has been illegally placed in Viet Nam's waters.
China also sent another aircraft to the rig site. The aircraft looped over Vietnamese ships at an altitude of about 1,500m from 9:00 to 9:05 and then got closer to the ships from 12:30 to 12:40 at the lowest height of only 500m before leaving.
At the same time, up to 115 Chinese vessels of all kinds, including five battleships, were also present around the rig, which was illegally positioned in Viet Nam's exclusive economic zone and continental shelf in early May, according to the department.
The ships aggressively prevent Vietnamese vessels from approaching the rig to perform communications work to demand China immediately remove the rig from Viet Nam's waters.
Facing aggressive harassment from the Chinese side, Viet Nam's coast guard and fisheries surveillance ships have maintained their operations about 10 nautical miles from the rig.
Vietnamese fishing boats are continuing normal activities about 42 nautical miles from the rig despite the violent disturbance of a large fleet of Chinese fishing vessels backed by two coast guard ships and two auxiliary ships.

Respect to int'l law urged
The Francophone Parliamentary Assembly (APF) has adopted a resolution urging parties concerned to respect international law and ensure peace and security in the East Sea.
Expressing concern over the issue, the APF hailed Viet Nam's efforts to seek a peaceful solution via dialogue.
It called on relevant sides not to complicate the situation, avoid the use of force or threat to use force, and respect national and international laws, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to which China and Viet Nam are signatories.
The organisation backs Viet Nam and other countries involved to respond peacefully to the incident and restore peace and stability in the region.
It also asked China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to address the dispute, and adhere to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea towards signing the Code of Conduct in the East Sea at an early date.
The resolution also encouraged APF members to propose ideas to settle the dispute.

Second protest in Holland
The Vietnamese community in the Netherlands gathered in The Hague on Saturday to protest China's illegal placement of the Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig in Viet Nam's waters.
During the protest, the second of its kind since the deployment of the rig in May, the demonstrators rallied from The Hague through the streets and ended in front of the Chinese Embassy.
They shouted slogans and raised banners in English, Vietnamese and Dutch denouncing China's violation of Viet Nam's sovereignty and demanding China to respect international law and immediately withdraw its rig from Viet Nam's exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.
Speaking before the crowd in front of the Chinese Embassy, Chairman of the Overseas Vietnamese Association in The Hague Nguyen Cong Chung condemned China's brazen actions that defied international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
He called on Beijing to abide by the law and stop violating Viet Nam's sovereignty over its sea and islands.
The protestors, including many foreign friends, also signed a petition opposing China's illegal acts, which will be sent to the Chinese Government through its embassy in the Netherlands. — VNS

Source: vietnamnews.vn

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