Monday, October 6, 2014

Bac Son rice fields in harvest season

The town of Bac Son in the northern border Lang Son is located in a large valley surrounded by high mountains. The valley is magically beautiful in the harvest season.

Bac Son rice fields
Bac Son is approximately 160 km from Hanoi. The first impression when you come here is the pure and cool climate, the fresh and wild of rocky mountains and slippery slopes.
 Bac Son rice fields
Bac Son Valley with vast rice fields and the charming scenery at dawn. This small town is surrounded by limestone mountains.
 Bac Son rice fields
There are two rice crops in the valley. The harvest seasons fall in July and November.
 Bac Son rice fields
Bac Son in the early morning.
 Bac Son rice fields
Rice fields here are not harvested at the same time, so the colors of rice fields are different, with shades of yellow and green.
 Bac Son rice fields
The fields after a rain.
 Bac Son rice fields
A beautiful picture of the countryside.
 Bac Son rice fields
Bac Son town at sunset.
 Bac Son rice fields

                                                                                                                          Photo by: Hachi8

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