Thursday, January 9, 2014

Vinh Long

Coming to there, visitors have chance to walk among the trees, relax in hammocks, try all kinds of delicious tropical fruits in the gardens of An Binh and Binh Hoa Phuoc islands. Several popular places are Mr. Sau Giao's Flower Garden, Mr. Muoi Day's Stilt-House, and Mr. Hai Hoang's Old House. Vinh Long has many pagodas, communal houses such as Van Thanh Temple, Long Thanh Communal House, Tinh Xa Ngoc Vien, Phuoc Hau, Tien Chau, Saghamangala pagodas...

Vinh Long is a center and also a mini picture of the Mekong Delta thanks to the diversity and abundance of the land between the two large rivers, Tien and Hau rivers. Vinh Long land is fat by Hau and Tien rivers’ yearly silt so its advantage is cultivation, Vinh Long people annually harvest hundreds of fruits: oranges, longans, tangerines, grapefruits, coconuts …coming to Vinh Long, tourists can visit famous places of interest as follows:

My Thuan Bridge

My Thuan Bridge
This is a longest cable suspended bridge in Vietnam over Tien river, connecting Vinh Long and Tien Giang provinces. Its total length is 1,535m, 2 approach banks of 11 spans of each, 40m per span. The length of main bridge is 650m divided into 3 spans, two side spans of 150 m of each, center span length is 350 m. Altitude from water surface is 37.5m. Bridge floor is 23.6m including 4 motor vehicle lanes in the middle and two side lanes for non –motorized vehicles and pedestrians. My Thuan bridge is a joint works of experts, engineers and workers of Australia and Vietnam, a traffic work with architectural design.

Vinh Sang farm

Set up in An Thuan hamlet, An Binh commune, Long Ho district, Vinh Long province in 2005. This tourist site is in triangle form, a side of which is along Co Chien river bank, opposite Vinh Long city. This is a favourable position that helps Vinh Sang attracts lots of tourists. Coming to Vinh Sang farm, tourists can join in strong feeling games: fishing crocodile, riding ostrich, sailing canoe, catching fish by net, casting net or draining a pond to catch fish. Moreover, tourists can visit pottery factory – an only famous traditional pottery village in Vinh Long.

An Binh isle
A famous isle, is in the center of Tien river, opposite Vinh Long town, where tourist sites are focussed. The isle area is about 60km2 consisting of 4 communes, An Binh, Binh Hoa Phuoc, Hoa Ninh and Dong Phu. The soil is fine and fat, it has fresh water all year round, the farmers plant many kinds of fruit trees: rambutans, mangoes, longans, durians, sapôchê…coming here, tourists have a chance to visit Mr. Sau Giao’s bonsai-flower garden with hundreds of bonsai, flowers; the house on stilts of Mr. Muoi Day and the ancient house of Mr. Hai Hoang – it is a place chosen for lunch and staying overnight.

Van Thanh temple of literature 

Locating in ward 4, Vinh Long town, by Tien river. It is one of rare temples of literature in the mekong provinces. The works was built in 1864. Confucius is worshipped in an ancient house of three compartments, two lean-tos, it is shown that a development and deep impact of confucianism to the people of the southern provinces. Beside the temple of literature is the God of literature worshipping the gods of literature and famous scholars: Vo Truong Toan, Phan Thanh Gian…the ones deserved credit for the country’s education. The construction and development process of vestiges are recored in epitaphs here.

Long An ancient Pagoda
More than 3 km from Tra On town center, about 500m along a small path from the national highway No. 54. Long An ancient pagoda is also called Dong De in My Trung hamlet, Thien My commune, Tra On district. The pagoda has the ancient architecture consisting of a sanctum, a back section, a wing on the area of 500m2, the tile floor is 0.5m in height. The front section is in the northeastern toward the national highway No. 54.

Tien Chau pagoda

Tien Chau pagoda, remains the scale of Ky Hoi year ( 1899), consists of four buildings: front section, sanctum, mid-section, back section, which was made of the four principal posts, widenned in breadth and length from principal rafters and false rafters. The frame was made of fine wood, the roof was covered by double tile, the partition was special stud wall. The sanctum of Tien Chau pagoda is decorated beautifully. In the middle of the principal section is an altar, inside is a big statue of Di Da Buddha made of clay, both sides are Gia Lam god, Bo De Dat Ma patron saint, the ten great halls of Minh Vuong, Ngoc Hoang Thuong De, Nam Tao – Bac Dau, Dia Tang, Chuan De, Ho Phap, Tieu Dien Dai Si. The architecture of the current front and gate was made in 1961-1963.

The Memorial of Late Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Pham Hung

The memorial of Mr. Pham Hung was commenced to be built in February 2000 and inaugurated on June 11, 2004 on the occasion of 92 years of his birthday. The memorial was built in Thuan A hamlet- Long Phuoc commune- Long Ho district. Total area is 3.2 hectares, consisting of principal houses: protocol house, memorial house and the exhibition house.
There are three open air items: the solitary confinement room where Mr.Pham Hung was imprisonned in Con Dao from 1934-1945, The house where Mr. Pham Hung worked at the central base of the South (Tay Ninh province) from 1967 to April 30, 1975 and the room where Mr. Pham Hung worked at No. 72 Phan Dinh Phung St., Ha Noi from 1958 to 1967 and from 1978 to 1988.

Coming to Vinh Long, tourists can visit the pottery village by the north bank of Co Chien river.

The north bank of peaceful, siltful Co Chien river of Vinh Long province where the pottery village has existed for more than 100 years.
The pottery village of Bac Co Chien stretches through 4 communes of the two districts: Thanh Duc commune ( Long Ho district), communes of My An, My Phuoc, An Phuoc (Mang Thit district)…from the talented artisans’ hands, each pottery product dims to contain the cultural feature of the land and Bac Co Chien people and “ conveyed” throughout the country by this river.


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